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Hiring contractors to help your urgent business need

Renowned for their specialist skill sets, flexibility and ability to work remotely - contractors are an ideal solution where an organisation has a resource requirement but limited time or face-time available to take on a permanent hire.

With extensive experience in contract hiring for diverse business requirements, Robert Walters takes you through 5 scenarios where your business will benefit from recruiting contractors.

Bridging short-term skills gaps

During busy periods with an increased workload, temporary or contract workers can alleviate a short-term skills or resource gap. Hiring a contractor can also fulfil a skills shortage temporarily, whilst you continue to recruit a permanent position. This is particularly useful for hiring managers where the recruitment process is more drawn out due to a narrow talent pool with few suitable candidates.

Providing valuable contingency

Contractors provide invaluable contingency in the instances there are time gaps between employees leaving or starting at your business. For example, where a new permanent hire has a six-month notice period, an interim manager could be a recommended option to temporarily fulfil a role during this time.

Completing urgent projects

To implement specific projects with defined timelines, multiple contract professionals are the ideal solution, with the flexibility to work on projects that can vary in duration, size and national scope.

The breadth of experience contractors will have around project timelines, means that they are well placed when it comes to prioritising tasks, managing expectations and working to deadlines.  

Given the vast experience contractors typically have of projects and organisation size, hiring from this pool allows you to think outside of the strict criteria you may have for permanent staff – thus speeding up time-to-hire.

Implementing business transformation

Large-scale projects are a resource-intensive process, demanding the temporary input of professionals with targeted technology expertise to implement fundamental changes to your business.

Senior technology contractors specialising in high-level projects are required to oversee these large and often complex assignments, including business transformation projects, mergers and infrastructure changes.

Onboarding new staff remotely

A dispersed, remote team does not allow for the typical approach to onboarding, training, and meet & greets. In a situation where face-to-face interaction is limited, technology and video communication can prove vital for successfully onboarding of new staff.

Accustomed to working remotely and hitting the ground running, contract staff can be the ideal solution to fulfil a business need, with minimal onboarding requirement.

What’s more, a contractor’s experience of working remotely means that their communication via digital means is typically advanced. This means you can maximise their output immediately.

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